Take God with You
Whatever you do, remember to keep God with you! For all Christians this is a must, and Catholics are required to attend Mass on Sundays. Going to church while on vacation can be a very inspiring experience. Many cities are home to old, in some cases ancient, Cathedrals. These churches were built to hold hundreds of people and they took years to build, some over a century. The statues in these magnificent works of art were meticulously and lovingly carved and the churches tower high and above surrounding buildings.
Unlike today's smaller, more modern churches these large, beautiful Cathedrals demonstrate the importance of God in the lives of the people at the time the old churches were built. Houses of worship back in the era in which they were crafted were seen as a source of knowledge and wisdom and the architecture reflects that. The old churches were obviously the center and pride of the city and their crafters worshipped God through the long, hard hours and much patience it took to build them. Many of those workers began building these awesome churches knowing they would not live to see them to completion, yet they tallied on all for the glory of God.
The devout Christian will especially appreciate what all the details of these churches imply. They are breathtaking and well worth visiting. As you observe these old churches you will be struck by how much love and attention went into building them. There is a sharp contrast indeed between the churches of old and our small, modern, well-lit churches of today.
As you worship in these beautiful works of art, don't be surprised if your experience is different than it is on other Sundays. These buildings were made specifically to help people worship more fervently. The Catholic Church is sometimes criticized for using expensive resources for their churches. But the atmosphere of a church can make a big difference in the way in which people worship. Churches are houses of God and Catholics believe that by making God’s house beautiful and by providing a prayerful atmosphere people will be more open to feeling God’s presence while honoring him. Our relationship with God is all important, so it only makes sense to do all we can to encourage, inspire and guide people to God. More than anything, God wants us to love him and to show our love by obedience, by putting him above all, and by helping others to know him. Making God’s house a place where his people go to better feel his presence and worship him more fully is a great place to start.
Our Dear Lord never forgets us, nor does he leave us. No matter how far we travel, he is near. It is worth the small bit of extra preparation to attend church while you are away. Remember, no matter what your accomplishments you would never have achieved them without the help and love of Almighty God. He watches over you and guards your health and safety. Give him the proper thanks and praise while you are away.
Old churches built all those years ago have a story to tell. Once upon a time God was the center of the lives of most people and it showed. So while you are on vacation, you might want to resist the temptation to go to the most convenient church if there is an old church full of history in the area. But no matter what church in which you choose to worship, be sure to keep the Sabbath holy. The Lord will smile upon you and your soul will bask in the glory of his love.
Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.
Hebrews 13:5